Level 17 Elfdwarfor human Level Blackwall only.

Always looted from a coin purse or corpse during the prologue quest The Wrath of Heaven. Level 14 Elfdwarfor human Level Looted from a chest on the top floor of the Elfsblood Tower in Emprise du Lion. Level 11 Cole only Level Looted in a chest next to Cole in Skyholdacquired after the conversation with the healer in the courtyard when Cole tries to "make her better". Level 15 Elfdwarfor human Level Can be purchased from the Canyon Merchant in the Hissing Wastes for Looted from a corpse during the prologue if the Inquisitor is a mage. Looted from a corpse during the prologue. Level 11 Elfdwarfor human Level Can be purchased from the Redcliffe Armor and Upgrades Merchant in the Hinterlands for Level 1 ElfDwarfor Human Level 1. Level 13 Elfdwarfor human Level Level 11 ElfDwarfor Human Level Level 4 Elfdwarfor human Level 4. Can be purchased from Seggrit in Haven for Level 9 Elfdwarfor human Level 9.

Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. The only exception is that of Iron Bull's unique helmet Dread. Qunari cannot equip helmets and instead equip vitaars. Unlike lightmedium and heavy armors, helmets are not specific to any class and can be worn by any humandwarf or elf. This page lists helmets in Dragon Age: Inquisition.