Not only that, but every single culture also has a unique set of music, unit sounds and voices to truly immerse you in your role controlling the faction. The interface is also totally overhauled, with every single settlement, location, interface, symbols, pictures, and more replaced to help fit into the Middle Earth setting. Each of these factions play very differently from one another, and also have their own campaign and starting location. You have Gondor, Rohan, Silvan Elves, High Elves, Dwarves, Dale, Eriador, Arnor, Isengard, Orcs of the Misty Mountains, Orcs of Gundabad, Mordor, Harad, and Rhun. This mod features a ton of different races and factions. Then, download and run the 2 part installers and then run the 3.2 patcher.

To install Third Age - Total War, make sure you own Medieval II: Total War - Kingdoms Expansion. Ironic, then, that one of the best games in the setting is a total conversion mod Third Age - Total War. Lord of the Rings has had a relative shortage of quality games considering how influential the franchise is. In no other type of RTS can you show how truly unique the army of a faction is unless you're in control of it yourself. As Total War: Warhammer proved, the gameplay of the series is incredibly well suited for fantasy settings.